Learn more about Eruditeable
Eruditeable, a definition:
Adjective, describes a person who is capable of acquiring great knowledge through deliberate effort.
Our Mission:
Eruditeable aims to equip the next generation with the wisdom and knowledge needed to be the best individuals, citizens, partners, parents, managers, leaders, and politicians. In doing so it will improve the lives of the individuals, their friends and families; and the fortunes of their communities and nations.
About me
I’m Mark Walmsley from Canberra, Australia. I grew up in Moonyoonooka in rural Western Australia and joined the Royal Australian Air Force straight out of school to study engineering at our Defence Force Academy. After graduating with honors I trained as a pilot and flew C-130H before completing Test Pilot’s School in the UK. I served as an active test pilot, then a Commanding Officer, before moving the family to Seattle to work as the test pilot for Project Wedgetail – Australia’s Boeing 737-AEWC aircraft.
It was in Seattle where I met the very erudite Bob (see video above) and realized how much I didn’t know about history, philosophy, finance, and other topics. On return to Australia I left the RAAF and worked in security, mining, and healthcare consulting; before returning to Defence as a procurement consultant where I still work. Back home in Australia I started 'Dad's Holiday Reading Program' with my kids to make sure they had the knowledge they needed for success in their lives. Eruditeable is a passion-project inspired by Jordan Peterson who suggested one should try to improve the universe in little ways using the abilities one has available to them.
A note for publishers
The intention of this website is to promote the books listed in the Reading List by way of partial book summaries and encourage readers to purchase the full book, eBook, and/or audio book version.
In developing the book summaries I have relied extensively on freely available sources including but not limited to Wikipedia, Amazon (notably table of contents pages), Goodreads (notably for quotes), other book summary sites (such as 4 minute books, Actionable Books, The Power Moves, Calvin Rosser, Sam Thomas Davies, Nat Eliason) for additional quotes and images, Google (notably for quotes and images), media companies book reviews (such as Quillette, National Review, The Independent), and Youtube (author TEDx talks, numerous video book summary reviews).
Where, in very limited circumstances I have directly used a quote from any book by means not listed above, I have done so in accordance with the Fair Use provisions of US legislation (and similar legislation around the world). I understand that the Fair Use of copyrighted work for the purpose of criticism, comment, scholarship, teaching, or research is not an infringement of copyright; and permission need not be obtained prior to its use.
If a publisher believes Eruditeable has not acted in accordance with the Fair Use provisions in relation to a published work, could you please contact me through this website so I can understand which specific use is objectionable to you, and remove that content from this site. This will allow us to resolve any issue without recourse to legal action while continuing to meet the Eruditeable mission and promote the books herein.
Financial declaration
This website was funded by Mark Walmsley's personal contributions, and donations from interested citizens via a GoFundMe campaign. Revenue may be received as affiliate commissions on book purchases when purchasers uses the links in this site. Future revenue will be used to expand the range of learning materials on the site including video book summaries on Youtube, interviews with the authors and other noteworthy individuals, and Eruditeable program completion awards such as lanyard pins and certificates.